About Me

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4+ Years Clean & Sober, working on more. Musician, Audio/Visual Tech. Sing in Church Choir. Dedicated in my recovery. I almost died once, not on purpose, but I got over that and intend to live a while longer... like 30 or 40 yrs. or so.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hi, Everybody. This is Phil, Doug's Liver, with an update on my condition. As you may know, I'm in charge of the filtering, enzymes, and cholesterol in Doug's blood. We had a visit a few weeks ago with the Gastro Dr., Nutritionist, and Dr. Doctor. Everyone wanted to know how well I'm doing my job.

You may have noticed from my picture at the beginning of this Blog, I look a LOT better than I did when we first started writing. We've been working on that for the past 2 and a half years. The latest report tells us the following information.

Overall, I got an A-. This is GREAT. Since I don't know all of the abbreviations (and neither do most of you), I'll touch on the terms I do know. First is my Diabetes. My A1C (Blood Sugar Index ?) went from 7.2 (Diabetic) to 6.4 (Pre, or in this case, Post-Diabetic). Next is my Cholesterol. I'm not even going to try to explain this... My "Bad Cholesterol" is Very Good. My "Good Cholesterol" is Bad (should be 60-ish, mine's 14) Bottom line... Bad Cholesterol is more important, "Eat some Wheat Germ a couple of times a week" Finally, My Liver Enzymes are low, like 15-20%, but considering my level of liver damage, they are within "Expected Levels" and not a Critical Issue.

So, overall, If Doug would just get off the couch and become a little more active, and gain a little more strength and stamina, All would be Right with the World and we could All Live "Happily Ever After."

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