About Me

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4+ Years Clean & Sober, working on more. Musician, Audio/Visual Tech. Sing in Church Choir. Dedicated in my recovery. I almost died once, not on purpose, but I got over that and intend to live a while longer... like 30 or 40 yrs. or so.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

STOP ! ! ! . . . THIEF ! ! !

2 Weeks ago, on my way to an AA meeting, I met with Mom & Dad at a local casino for "Fish Night" (...Fish on Fridays...). As I rushed out to go to the meeting afterwards, I found my (unlocked) had been violated, with all of the seats pushed up and all of the spaces checked. The items that were missing: My nice, fleece jacket (with my cell phone in the pocket) and my book bag with all of my Easter and Church Music, and my Franklin/Covey Day Planner. THAT'S ALL ! My car stereo was still there, a computer printer was still there in the back. Assorted CD's in the visor... still there. $75.00 Sun glasses, and reading glasses... still there !

I guess the thing that makes me the most angry is the things they took were of no use to anyone but me, except the jacket. I reported the phone immediately, and it had not been used at all, and I could see someone wanting the jacket, but my Church Music ? My Day Planner ? (There's no "Identity" related info in the day planner)

Here's the part that has changed about me. Back in the day, I would have cursed (a lot), then drove over to the 7-11 and bought enough alcohol to get "hammered". Then I would have gone back into the casino and made a scene out of it. Then I would have bought more, stronger alcohol, drove around a little, then gone home and bitched till Mom was pissed at me, then lay down and went to sleep, drunk and pissed !

This time, I got pissed and drove to an AA meeting and calmed down, drove down to ask if anyone had turned in the book bag at the casino, drove around the grounds looking for it, then went home and relaxed, called to shut off my phone and then, quietly went to lay down and relax till I fell asleep.

I found that what I DID was a LOT better than what I WOULD have done. I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks... Woof !

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Life...? Don't talk to me about Life !

Actually, Life has been going O.K. as of late. I was just given my (1st) annual Substance Abuse program Summary Evaluation and I was given an overall attendance of 82% and 15% of the missing were excused, so I really only missed 2 meetings/appointments in a year. In the summary, I got almost all "Excellent" ratings, so this is where I stand, overall:

Psychological - Green Light

Psychiatric - Green Light

Physical - Green Light

Gastro - Green Light - On Hold waiting for VA approval

Veteran's Administration - On Hold waiting for approval

All Systems GO - waiting final approval.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

Good News on the Diabetic Front. (He Over-reacted... AGAIN !) - Here's the word.

I am, as those in denial like to say, "Just Barely" Diabetic. (Those are my Doctor's words, not mine). Considering the fact that I didn't "know" I was being tested for that, it most certainly had something to do with what I had for dinner and desert the night before. We all have gotten used to a meal sized portion of food, looking at the packaging and NOT seeing what the manufacturer is saying.

Example #1: Progresso has a line of "Healthy" canned soup. They are Low Sodium, Reduced Fat and chock full of nutrition for only around 250 calories. The problem is IT'S TWO SERVINGS ! Example #2: One 12 oz. serving of 100% unsweetened Orange Juice = 12 Oranges... can you sit down and eat 12 oranges? How about 1/2 a can of soup?

The moral to this story is... To WATCH what you eat, you really have to READ what you eat. I've been given 3 months before my Dr. resorts to medications... I don't want another pill to take. I'll learn to fix my diet (Tomorrow... we have cheesecake in the fridge)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Bye, Bye, Birdie !

I'm already feeling lonely and she's still in the bathroom getting ready to leave. Zoe is on her way back to Washington, but it looks like she might be coming here to vegas in a year for a 3 year recruiting duty position. That'll be sweet !

We're getting her out the door right now, so I'll write more, later. I Already Miss Her. She's been here 3 weeks, and I've had more than my share of her time, this time, so I'm happy.

I'm going back to bed, now. I'll write more later