About Me

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4+ Years Clean & Sober, working on more. Musician, Audio/Visual Tech. Sing in Church Choir. Dedicated in my recovery. I almost died once, not on purpose, but I got over that and intend to live a while longer... like 30 or 40 yrs. or so.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I really wasn't still a "Kid" when this show aired, but I've never lost my affinity for cartoons. There was a series that brought back some of the old "Laugh-In" actors as voice talent, Joanne Whorley and Henry Gibson, narrated by Stan Freberg to name a few. (Only us Old Folks know these names) It was called "The Wuzzles".

"Why did you bring THAT up? ", I hear you muttering. Well, it's because of a catch phrase I heard at my AA meeting last night. Some speakers use a lot of them when they speak, and this lady was one of them. Catch phrases are, for example, "Keep it Simple", "If you talk the talk, you had better walk the walk", "One Day at a Time" and so on. Several of these are posted on the wall in the meeting room. Last night's speaker was talking about how, for us Alcoholics, you are NEVER cured... You're a "Recovering Alcoholic", not a "Recovered Alcoholic" That's why the don't call it Alcoholwasim, they call it Alcoholism. I just thought "That is SO profound, I've got to add it to my blog".

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