About Me

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4+ Years Clean & Sober, working on more. Musician, Audio/Visual Tech. Sing in Church Choir. Dedicated in my recovery. I almost died once, not on purpose, but I got over that and intend to live a while longer... like 30 or 40 yrs. or so.

Friday, February 18, 2011


To use a phrase coined by the singers "Garfunkle & Oates", "things have taken a Turn for the Douche". This has upset me more than probably anything in the last 4 years of Sobriety. Worse than finding out that I may be Diabetic. Worse than not making the Liver Transplant List. One of the Constants in my ever-changing struggle for Sobriety is GONE !

MY Doctor, Dr. "R", the person whom I have trusted, confided in, relied on for strength and support. MY Doctor, who would greet me with a Hug and send me off with a Hug and an "I Love You". MY Doctor, who said that if I started drinking again and Died, she would revive me so SHE could Kill Me ! MY Doctor, who said that I was one of her Best Success Stories, slipped quietly out of the VA Primary Care System, never to be heard from again.

I don't intend to take this lightly. I owe her my Life... and I never got to say Good-bye and Thank You. Sure, I've told her how I felt about her and thanked her many times. This is different. I can let her go. I understand that jobs come and go. She was horribly over-worked at the Henderson VA because she was so good at what she did. I'm not the only one who will be devastated by her leaving. That doesn't make it any less real for me. I will do my best to find her, to thank her and have "proper closure". I need that for ME.

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