Remember when all the kids on the block stayed outside to play till the streetlights came on. When nothing quenched your thirst better than a drink from the garden hose... Kool-Aid was your daily drink, and soda was a treat. When a "stick" was actually a toy... and G.I. Joe had a "Kung-Fu Grip" and was almost as tall as Barbie. When you would dive over the neighbor's hedges so you wouldn't be "It" in a game of Tag, or climb secretly into them for a game of Hide and Seek ? When they actually HAD Penny Candy at the store and the best house on the block gave away "Bite Size" Candy Bars at Halloween (not those "mini" ones they make now).
This 3 year old little boy remembers all those, and many more. Take a moment to remember... I bet you'll smile !
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