Well, it appears that I have been rebuked for the Grinching of Myself (Imagine that!) I feel that I need to add some additional information to justify this, so here is an excerpt from the reason I gave to my Cousin, Karen. I realize that is, technically, a "previously published work" but it was too good to not use again.

Dear, Cuz ..."First, I have Grinched myself because, as you noticed, I have been whining to many of my friends for THEIR LACK of "Christmas Spirit." Our "Boomer" generation was raised with the stop action animation of such classics as "Rudolf..."(Burl Ives), "Santa Clause is Coming to Town"(Fred Astaire), and standard animations of "How the Grinch..."(Boris Karloff), "Frosty..."(Jimmy Durante) and, of course, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" (penned by the now immortal Charles Schultz). That's where I learned about OUR Traditional "Christmas" Ask a kid today who Scrooge is and they'll tell you "Donald Ducks Rich Uncle. I mean CHRIST ALMIGHTY ! (By the way, that's His NAME, not a cuss word) (No, I didn't mean YOU) The Pea-Brained... I mean "Generation X" and "Generation Next" kids, in their teens, 20's and 30's don't know this Christmas. They know X-Box, & "Guitar Hero", Hillary Duff, Hanna Montana and "A High School Musical Christmas" (Actually, I made that last one up, but is it a stretch ?)
So my point, in the blog was "I WANT MY CHRISTMAS" damn it ! I Don't WANT to change. I want Christmas to be about "Trimming the Tree", not the Presents under it. I want "Hark ! The Herald Angels Sing" not "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer". I Want an Oompa-Loompa NOW ! ! ! (Oops, sorry) But do you get my point ? And my Point is "Christmas doesn't belong to Me" and I shouldn't act like it does. That's why I awarded myself the first "Golden Grinch". Because Christmas will be what it is, whether I like it or not and even if I steal all their Hornswagglers and Bambooslers, when they wake up on Christmas Morning, those F-ing Who's will still gather around the tree, sing that damn song, and feast on "Roast Beast"... Because It's CHRISTMAS ! "
I hope this makes things a little more clear as to how I am feeling this Holiday Season. Since I LOST the last one (that "IN A COMA" thing), I feel that I am allowed to have a little extra Christmas this year, and I intend to do so whether everyone likes it or not. If I try to shove one last bite of Christmas into you, take no offense but, damn it, your gonna eat it, or "NO PIE FOR YOU !"
1 comment:
I know what you mean hon. I've tried to mix the old with the new when it comes to my children. The have a healthy appreciation for the classics and I allow the addition of some NEW family classics. Like The Nightmare Before Christmas.
It is frustrating when we get older and our parents are no longer the gatekeepers, but we are the gatekeepers now and Christmas is what WE make it!
A Little Christmas
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