I guess, when you boil it all down, I just made it through my 1st Year Anniversary of being 100% Clean and Sober (not a slip, not a drip), Thanksgiving, Christmas, my 46th (SHIT !) Birthday and 4 hours away from the New Year, not to mention the almost uncountable hours spent on doctors visits, AA meetings, physical therapy, medications, injections, extractions and tests. After all of that, I still have a few brain cells left to fire enough to keep my tired heart beating, and my heart-light shining. So thank you, my friends for putting up with me through all this. and, most importantly, Thank You God, for the strength to continue, my family and my friends to hold me up when I'm tired and lonely, and the humility to know where it comes from.
And so, my friends, may this New Year bring us all health, happiness and long life.