Hi everyone. Now that I'm dine waiting for my 1 Year Birthday, now I get wait for the transplant
pre-testing procedures to progress
(like watching grass grow). I had an
appt. with my Transplant Coordinator (from here forward being referred to as "
Xplant Co" or Ms. Donaldson) and we went through the next few things that need to be done. A couple more tests, including a Chemical Stress Test
(anxiety over that one, sounds scary). Overall, a positive meeting...Moving Forward ! But no immediate news. Nothing scheduled yet.
In addition, I have to have a DENTAL
Eval. This will not go well. I have at

least 4 teeth that have fallen apart, lost their crowns and/or fillings or have noticeable problems
(tombstones in an OLD graveyard) I have always had soft teeth, and have become a night grinder years ago, and a day grinder when I did drugs. It all becomes habit and doesn't go away when you stop. MEGA ANXIETY. I, like most people, HATE THE DENTIST. Not personally, but professionally.
(He's a Baby in that chair, no tolerance for pain, that wimp !) So I have that to look forward to soon. I'm just gonna do it and get it over with. It'll be Dental Surgery, not teeth pulling, but there will be some cavity and fill work as well. But at least it will be done. (and he'll loose a little of that fat he's put on since he's been feeling better and eating)
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