Things on the Transplant front have changed DRASTICALLY ! That person in D.C. who needed to sign off on my transplant said that, Technically, I fall within the guidelines for consideration. Unfortunately ( ? ? ? ), I have responded so well to all of the treatment that we have done to keep me alive, (i.e. medication, diet, etc.) that I now only barely meet the guidelines. What this means is that I am now trying to stay healthy long enough to get worse. (Read that again... that's Not a typo) I won't be qualified until I get worse, and the only way to do that is to stay healthy.
When my Transplant Coordinator told me this on the phone, there were several long moments of silence while my brain tried to comprehend all off this. It was like when your computer has to open a program, the "Title" screen comes up, then you hear the hard drive start loading the program. It does that for a moment or two, while you wait, then starts opening the program. Well, my Brain doesn't work as quickly as it used to... so after a few simple questions, I kind of went into stand-by mode and sat for about an hour. That's an hour in "Real Time" not "Brain Time". In Brain Time it was about a day and a half. Emotions came to the top, Logic pushed them back down, Pity Me, Anger, etc. Even ones there are no names for, just feelings. All those emotions...
I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this. If/When things change, I will be re-assessed. The VA has finally hired a Gastro Dr. so I'll be able to get some new information, maybe in a week or so. Till then, Faith and a Positive Attitude will have to do.
P.S. - Phil is PISSED !